
Story Arcs Story arcs: A girl, Bella Swan, comes back to the city where she was born and raised. After her first day of school, the Cullens draw her attention. Raising Action: Bella notices some supernatural qualities in the youngest of the Cullens, Edward, and finds out he is a vampire. In the meantime, Charlie… Continue reading Twilight

Week 7: Color Correction

This is how the composition looked like before I applied the color correction. I started by putting in an Unpremult node to properly correct the color and the edges. Afterward, I decided to adjust the highlights, shadows, and mid-tones with an Exposure node. Then I added a Grade node with the aim of simulating the… Continue reading Week 7: Color Correction

Categorised as Nuke

Week 6: Rotoscope

For this task, we had to try a rotoscope on an animation regarding a man running down a bridge in which the man was meant to be cut out from the shot. My first step was about breaking the roto into different sections of the body to get a bit more control. I went to… Continue reading Week 6: Rotoscope

Categorised as Nuke

Week 6: Pickup

About this lecture, we created and rigged a character. It was created by using primitive polygons and grouped in a parent hierarchy in order to affect properly some parts of the model. Is important to make sure to change the pivot points in the right places so that it would make sense for a body… Continue reading Week 6: Pickup

Categorised as Maya


Film language Film analysis: context (acknowledge your area) and value for VFX artists. We should use a technical field such as pacing and editing, compositing, and lighting for the contextual area. However, there is another important field: the aesthetic, which underlines the mise en scene, the color, genre, and the rhythm. Mise en scene means… Continue reading Mise-en-scène

Story Arcs

Kurt V is a great exponent of the story narrative that brings and puts, in a nutshell, a story narrative, showing some complexities. The story arc in Romeo and Juliette: exposition introduces the setting, characters Raising action characters struggling with problems. Climax the tensest moment of a story and the character faces a crisis Falling… Continue reading Story Arcs

Week 01: Modelling

After having changed my course from 3D Computer Animation to VFX, I decided to model my own room. I started this process by using a simple cube polygon to model the table. Modified through edge and points, the primitive polygon was meant to follow the photo reference’s shape. After that, I duplicated the shape and… Continue reading Week 01: Modelling

Categorised as Maya


Many politics is embedded in films and cast. What aspects does it underline? Social media is a big influence but equally broadcast news, animations, and films. One of the things in the 1940s was a propaganda film. Always a relationship between film, documentary, and fiction. Political messages underline issues but sometimes these are hidden and… Continue reading POLITICS AND PERSUASION IN ENTERTAINMENT

Bouncing Ball

Bouncing ball animation: During my very first month at UAL, I attended 3D Computer Animation. Alan Posting helped us understand how to create realistic animations. The bouncing ball rig starts from above and comes to rest. The ball has been stretched and squashed each time it touches the ground, in order to give it a… Continue reading Bouncing Ball