For our collaborative project, we decided to create a Zen room. After having seen some amazing references from several adv studios, I started modeling a sofa using a cube shape which I smoothed and then sculpted. Then I’ve duplicated as many shapes as the sofa need to get a proper structure. In the end, I combined them together.

To build this wall, initially, I created a cube shape and subdivided it into as many edges as I needed to circularize six faces.
So I selected the faces I needed (one by one) and created a proper circle by using the circularize tool. Then I adjusted the vertexes to make them tidy.
(Although I was not able to create my own room during the first term, I decided to bring the furniture I used in the very first task in the VFX course)

I’ve always fancied Greek architecture, so I decided to build a few columns for my arch. Basically, I used the same process used for the wall to create the column’s capital. Then I used the Insert Edge Loop Tool to shape better my smoothed mesh. Eventually, I combined and duplicated them as many as the architraves were.

The same process happened for the “Zen Garden” floor. The “Zen Garden” was meant to hold a flower that would open in sync with the customer’s breath. So basically in the very center of the scene, I’ve selected 4 faces; used the Circularize tool; increased the number of subdivisions and finally, I’ve extruded the shape to build a hole in the room’s floor.

Then I built a pair of stairs from a plane shape and modified its vertexes position by using the B mode shortcut in W. When I finally fancied the base shape, I extruded it and create the stairs.

I decided to add several kinds of furniture for this project, so here I started modeling a new table by using a torus and a cylinder shape.
At first, I thought I was able to create the table legs and their base from a single torus, however, that was more complicated than expected.

From a torus, I deleted almost half of its circumference and bridged its final edges. Then from a cylinder, I created three table legs of the same torus’s size and combined them together. In the end, I smoothed a cylinder and created the top of my table. Instead of creating another shape, I duplicated the top; scaled its Y, and built the inside.

In order to create the library, I selected a cube shape, scaled it till I achieved the shape I wanted. Then I extruded it.
As well as I did for the sofa, I applied the same method to the shelf. So I created a cube shape and smoothed it in the attribute editor. Then I sculpted the mesh to make it look like real wood.

On top of the shelves, I decided to build different objects.
I filled the library with books, frames, and vases. The first vase was made by using a cylinder shape, modified only by scaling its vertexes. Then I selected and deleted the top face and on object mode, I finally extruded the shape to create a proper vase.

The easiest thing was creating the books. From a cube I used the Edge loop tool to recreate the cover shape, then I selected and extruded the faces inside.
I duplicated as many books as I wanted to fill the library.

Even this vase was made from a cylinder.
In this case, though, I subdivided its top face and built a half-sphere by selecting its edges. This part would eventually become the base of the vase.
Then I selected and scaled its vertical edges to create the pattern.

I had several problems with the opposite wall.
As you can see I applied the same procedure used for the first wall. However it was very difficult to achieve the result I wanted, so I changed the process.
After having created the shape, I’ve deleted all the faces but the front one. Then I also deleted half of the front face, adjusted its vertexes and edges with the view in 3, and finally mirrored the matrix and placed it in the right position.

The table was made from a disk shape which was cut in half and duplicated. Then I combined the two meshes and bridged edge by edge, to not break the object. The last step was extruding it.
When I finally got the shape I imagined, I duplicated it and tried to build its legs:
For the legs, I rotated the shape I’ve built and created a cylinder. By selecting the table’s faces and the cylinder’s edges, I was able to use the wedge tool and curl the straight leg.

for this table, I just combined two different shapes I previously have built.

From a cylinder, I created another vase by scaling its vertexes. As previously seen, I also deleted its top face and extruded the entire mesh to create the outside and the inside.

Here I deleted the half-cylinder, scaled its edges, duplicated, and merged the shape. Then I finally bridged it and selected its top and bottom vertexes to flat out the faces. In the end, I extruded both faces and deleted the top one, in order to create the proper shape.

Final shape extruded:

Then I decided to build a plant vase, so I started by modifying the cylinder edges and extruding its four lateral faces. I duplicated and combined the shapes. Eventually, I duplicated and combined again to bridge the four shapes together.

And finally, I also created the vase shape to put the plants inside.

Later I created another cube shape which was meant to be half window and half wall.
So, I selected the faces I wanted to be gone, extruded a few times to build a frame for the window, and then deleted them. Afterward, I bridged each front and back edge to fill the hole I left in the mesh.

From a scaled cube I subdivided the shape as many times as I needed and extruded each front face, one by one.

When I got the result I fancied, I selected all the faces and extruded them to recreate a proper shelf.
I refined the mesh using the Insert edge loop tool.


I added Atia’s columns in the scene

Here I also wanted to build another lamb, so from a Cylinder I scaled (using the B shortcut) its central edge to recreate a similar yo-yo shape.

Then I extruded its top face.

Last but not least I modeled some chairs.
First of all, I used the same method I did for the plant vase, so I extruded 4 faces from a cylinder and mirrored the shape to build a tidy and symmetrical mesh. Afterward, I duplicated and combined the shape. In the end, I added the backrest which was previously modeled.

Close to the end, I realized the stairs were not well modeled.
Therefore I selected and deleted all the faces but the bottom ones; I adjusted the vertexes with the scaling method and finally extruded the mesh to achieve the perfect design.

With Atia’s sofas and rug

Front View:

For the flower I decided to create it on C4D, just to see whether I was still able to use it.
First of all, I created a Mospline and edited its parameters to create what will be the Lotus’ petal.

After having named the Mospline “Mospline Outline”, we are ready to duplicate it to create a smaller petal for the inside.
Finally, I created a Cloner from the Mograph menu and used it as the two Mosplines’ parents. remember to change the Cloner’s mode into radial and modify the count number.

To create a perfect flower we must follow Fibonacci’s sequence. So basically, when you finally have created your radial Cloner, in “Object“, inside the voice “End angle” instead of using the degree that C4D automatically gives you, tap the golden ratio: 137,50 degrees.

Later, I opened Xpresso (which is basically a Node Editor) and dragged and dropped the cloner inside Xpresso. I did the same with the parameters “Count” and “End Angle”. Finally, I added a “Math Add” and connected “Count” to the Math Input, modifying its parameters on the Attributes by changing the number to 137,50.
Then I added a “degree” inside Xpresso, modified its Function in “Degree to Radians” and connected each node properly.

To create the petal I just used a Plan object, modified its vertexes, and added a Subdivision Surface.

Finally, create a Null and a Bend Object. The Null will become the parent of all those steps we made before; the Bend, instead, will become the plane’s child.
By setting its parameters correctly, you will get something similar to the attached pic, and be able to bend the object as you prefer.
In order to create the flower’s texture and shape, I also added a Displacer object and a Spline wrap

In the end, after having modified different curves and parameters, eventually, you will get something similar to this animation. If you wish to get it as realistic as possible, remember to add a Turbulence Object inside the scene. To make it work, go to your MoSpline, select forces, and drag the Turbulence inside the space.
Final Result
Unfortunately, I still don’t know how to bring a C4D file into Maya, so I tried to bake the animation and export the file as Alembic, but still nothing.