Character appeal and Uncanny Valley

The character appeal: the appeal in animation is similar to actors having charisma. It can still be unsympathetic, a villain, or a monster. The appeal is critical for audience association with the character creating interest and concern. It lies not only in the character’s design but the action and deed of the character within the storyline,

To create appeal the character must feel real and convincing, this might be described as captivation in the composition of the pose or design.

If we analyze a character, we must think about the visual component:

  1. What visual components or aspects of a character might achieve this?
  2. What performance traits might endear us?
  3. Why do we forgive and care for the character?
  4. How do we establish trust and empathy whit the character?

We need to consider some elements to consider high that character that creates appeal. We must establish key aspects of the character; role in the narrative or performance; how they communicate; personality; individual traits or skills; attire; lineage/biography.

Realism and the Uncanny Valley

The more realistic things are, then the more convincing they might be to an audience because they communicate very perfectly. Reach a point where realism turns on itself and starts to become a little bit difficult to accept. Exaggeration is one of the contradictions of the principle which brings realism to us sometimes, you can use it to your advantage to make that element slightly creepy thanks to the distortion. Is a caricature.

Uncanny Valley

The concept was identified by the robotics professor Masahiro Mori. The term was first translated as Uncanny Valley in Jasia Reichardt’s book, thus forged Ernest Jentsech’s concept of uncanny. His theory was then criticized and elaborated by S. Freud in his The Uncanny essay. Definition: U.V. is a range of appearances, mannerisms, and behaviors of a humanoid figure that are subtly different from human and thereby cause felling of discomforts such as fear or revulsion. The Uncanny Valley hypothesis predicts that an entity appearing almost human will risk eliciting cold and eerie feelings in viewers. The uncanny valley is the region of negative emotional response towards robots that seem almost human. Movement amplifies the emotional response.  

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